The GoI has approved 16 IFoS officers of Chhattisgarh Cadre from Batch 2007 to 2014 in the Indian Forest Service. Vishwah Kumar and M Mercybella of 2007 batch and Dilraj Prabhakar of 2008 batch have been confirmed in the Service. Officers of 2009 batch confirmed in Indian Forest Service are: Abhishek Kumar Singh, Vivekanand Jha, J Sriram and Manivasagan S. Similarly, Imotemsu Ao, Satovisha Samajdar of 2010 batch, Vijay Ratre and Stylo Mandvi of 2011 batch were confirmed in the Service. Gurunathan N of 2012 batch, Pranay Mishra and Ganveer Dhammshil of 2013 batch and Pankaj Rajput and Jadhav Shrikrishnan A N S of 2014 batch have been confirmed in the Indian Forest Service.