Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), registered a throughput of over 4.7 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in container handling as against 5.03 million TEUs during FY 2020. The total traffic handled at JNPT during the Financial Year 2020-21 is 64.81 million
tons as against 68.45 million tons in FY 2019-20. The total container traffic handled in March 2021 stood at 527,792 TEUs, which is the highest container volume handled in a month, since inception. The total traffic handled at JNPT during the month of March-2021 is 7.33 million tons as against 5.93 million tons in March-2020, which is 23.53% higher than the total traffic over the same month of last year.
Major improvement in Avg. Turn-round Time of all vessels by 2.62% i.e from 29.42 hrs to 28.64 hrs as well as for container vessels by 2.01% i.e from 25.82 hrs to 25.30 hrs from Pilot Boarding to De-boarding in FY 2020-21 in comparison with FY 2019-20.
JNPT has five container terminals, taking an overview of the numbers terminal wise, APM Terminals Mumbai (GTI) handled 1.66 million TEUs, DP World NSIGT with 0.78 million TEUs, DP World NSICT with 0.75 million TEUs and the Port owned JNPCT with 0.54 million TEUs. The Newly developed BMCT handled around 0.93 million TEUs during the FY 2021. NSICT and BMCTPL have recorded 41.33% and 15.36% growth in FY 2020-21 in comparison with FY 2019-20 respectively. JNPT BPCL Liquid Cargo Terminal handled highest LPG during FY 2020-21 of 1.04 million tonnes from 70 vessels which is 22.35% higher as compared previous highest of 0.85 million
tonnes from 57 vessels in FY 2019-20. JNPT also handled 6,097 Rakes during FY 2020-21 and the Rail-Coefficient in FY 2020-21 (Apr. to Mar.) is 19.73% as compared to 16.14% in FY 2019- 20 with 5,127 rakes.