NTPC, a CPSE under Ministry of Power recorded its highest ever group generation of 314 BU in FY 21, a growth of 8.2% compared to previous year. On a standalone basis, NTPC generated 270.9 BU in FY21, an increase of 4.3% over the previous year. NTPC group recorded highest ever single day generation of 1192.42 MU (Group) & 990.65 MU (NTPC). The coal plants registered a PLF of 66% with an Availability factor of 91.43%. In another feat, Singrauli Unit-1 in Uttar Pradesh, first and the oldest Unit of NTPC which was commissioned 39 years ago and Korba Unit-2, commissioned 37 years ago has achieved more than 100% PLF (Plant Load Factor). The stellar performance of Singrauli and Korba Units is a testimony to the expertise of NTPC engineers, Operation & Maintenance practices and NTPC systems. NTPC also realized 100% of the billed amount from the Discoms and for the first time, realization crossed Rs. 1 Lakh Crore. The total installed capacity of NTPC Group increased by 5.96% to 65810 MW with 4160 MW of capacity addition in FY21. On a standalone basis, NTPC Capacity increased by 4.03% to 52385 MW.