Narendra Modi today participated in the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. He engaged with 3,000 dynamic young leaders from across India. Addressing the gathering on the occasion, he highlighted the vibrant energy of India's youth, which had brought life and energy to Bharat Mandapam. He remarked that the entire nation is remembering and paying tribute to Swami Vivekananda, who had immense faith in the country's youth. He added that Swami Vivekananda believed that his disciples would come from the younger generation, who would solve every problem like lions. He added that he had complete faith in Swamiji and his beliefs, like Swamiji trusted the youth. He further added that he trusted him completely especially about his vision of youth.The Prime Minister emphasized that if Swami Vivekananda were among us today, he would be filled with new confidence upon witnessing the awakened power and active efforts of the 21st-century youth.
Recalling the G-20 event hosted in Bharat Mandapam, Shri Modi said the world leaders were at the same venue to discuss the future of the world while today the youth of India were charting the roadmap for the next 25 years of India. Sharing an anecdote about meeting young athletes at his residence a few months ago, he highlighted that one athlete remarked, "For the world, you may be the Prime Minister, but for us, you are Param Mitra." The Prime Minister emphasized his bond of friendship with the youth of India, stating that the strongest link in friendship is trust. He expressed his immense trust in the youth, which inspired the formation of MY Bharat and the foundation of the Viksit Bharat Young Leader Dialogue. The Prime Minister remarked that the potential of India's youth will soon make India a developed nation. He acknowledged that while the goal is significant, it is not impossible, dispelling the views of naysayers. With the collective efforts of millions of young people driving the wheels of progress, he said the nation will undoubtedly reach its target.
“History teaches and inspires us”, said Shri Modi and highlighted numerous global examples where nations and groups, with big dreams and resolutions, achieved their goals. Citing the example of 1930s economic crisis in the USA, he said that the Americans chose the New Deal and not only overcame the crisis but also accelerated their development. He also mentioned Singapore, which faced basic life crises but transformed into a global financial and trade hub through discipline and collective effort. The Prime Minister remarked that India has similar examples, such as the freedom struggle and overcoming the food crisis post-independence. He stressed that setting big goals and achieving them within a timeframe is not impossible. He asserted that without a clear goal, nothing can be achieved, and today's India is working with this mindset.
Highlighting several examples of achieving goals through determination over the past decade, the Prime Minister remarked that India resolved to become open defecation-free, and within 60 months, 60 crore citizens achieved this goal. The Prime Minister emphasized that nearly every family in India now has access to banking services, and over 100 million gas connections have been provided to free women's kitchens from smoke. Noting that India is achieving its targets ahead of schedule in various sectors, Shri Modi said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, while the world struggled for vaccines, Indian scientists developed a vaccine ahead of time. He added that despite predictions that it would take 3-4 years to vaccinate everyone in India, the country conducted the world's largest vaccination campaign in record time. The Prime Minister highlighted India's commitment to green energy, noting that India was the first country to meet the Paris Agreement commitments, nine years ahead of schedule. He also mentioned the target of 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2030, which India is set to achieve well before the deadline. He added that each of these successes serves as an inspiration and brings India closer to the goal of becoming a developed nation.