Airports Authority of India (AAI) announced on 29 th January, 2021 that Aireon’s space-based ADS-B air traffic surveillance system has been successfully deployed across Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata’s oceanic airspaces. The system has been executed within 18 months of the signing of the contract to implement the service. As the third largest airspace in the world, AAI is making significant strides towards enhancing safety and efficiency across their ever-growing, highly trafficked area. AAI’s deployment of space-based ADS-B now provides an additional layer of surveillance, backing up the existing ground-based network. With a vast airspace of over nine million square kilometers, multiple crossing airways and dense, continuously growing traffic, multi-layer surveillance covering the entirety of the
airspace provides more efficient solutions, safer processes and greater visibility. Improved communications and data sharing between Asia, the Middle East and Europe is also a main objective aimed at reducing delays and improving the flying experience for all users.