Paban Kumar Borthakur, ACS, Transformation & Development and Cultural Affairs Department, Assam, is given additional charge of Tourism Department, where Maninder Singh, ACS, Guwahati Development and Cooperation Department and Chief Resident
Commissioner, Assam Bhawan, New Delhi, is also posted as ACS, Urban Development and Ravi Shankar Prasad, ACS, Handloom, Textiles and Sericulture gets additional charge of Personnel and Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Departments. Similarly, Biswaranjan Samal, PS, Hill Areas Department gets additional charge of PS, Food & Civil Supply and Consumer Affairs; Niraj Verma, PS, Home is also posted as Additional Principal Resident Commissioner, Assam Bhawan, New Delhi; Dr. J B Ekka, PS, Panchayat & Rural Development & Parliamentary Affairs Departments, is relieved from the additional charge of PS, Parliamentary Affairs; Dr Krishna Kumar Dwivedi, PS, Industries and Commerce is also posted as PS, Mines & Minerals and MD, Assam Hydro Carbon & Energy Company Ltd., Assam; Mukesh Sahu, PS, Social Welfare, & Tourism Departments is relieved from the additional charge of PS, Tourism; Smti Monalisa Goswami, Commissioner & Secretary, Health & Family Welfare and Urban Development Departments is relieved from the additional charge of Commissioner & Secretary, Urban Development; M S Manivannan, Commissioner & Secretary, Revenue is assigned additional charge of Commissioner & Secretary, Secretariat Administration; Sazad Zaman Hazarika, Commissioner of Labour, is
also posted as Commissioner, Barak Valley Division and Development Commissioner, Hill Areas; Smti Madhurima Barua Sen, Secretary, Cultural Affairs and Environment & Forest is also posted as Secretary, Social Welfare Department; Smti Roshni Aparanji Korati, Secretary, Elementary Education Department and MD, SSA, Assam is also posted as MD, RMSA Mission and Kailash Karthik N, Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup receives additional charge of CEO, Guwahati Biotech Park, Assam.