Dharmendra Pradhan today released the India Rankings 2024, which implements the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) drafted for this purpose by the Ministry of Education in 2015. Secretary, Higher Education, Shri K. Sanjay Murthy; UGC, Prof. M Jagadesh Kumar; Chairman, AICTE, Prof. T.G. Sitharam; Chairman, NETF, Prof. Anil Sahasrabuddhe; Member Secretary, NBA, Dr. Anil Kumar Nassa, Additional Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Shri Sunil Kumar Barnwal; Joint Secretary, Shri Govind Jaiswal; Chairman, and other academicians, heads of the institutions, etc. were present on this occasion.
Dharmendra Pradhan while addressing the audience said that Rankings, ratings and accreditation is a vital recommendation of NEP 2020. It is heartening that NIRF rankings deeply reflect the spirit of NEP, he added. The Minister congratulated all the HEIs who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, innovation, research, graduation outcomes and other parameters and bagged a place of pride in the India Rankings 2024.
The Minister stressed that knowing the quality, performance and strengths of an academic institution is a right of students and parents. Therefore, all the 58,000 HEIs in the country must come under the ranking and rating framework. Shri Pradhan stated that employability and skills are a priority. He also said that our ranking mechanism must also include skilling as a parameter. Intangible aspects are powerful stimulus to learning and development. We should devise mechanisms to bring intangible aspects of education in the rankings framework, he added.