Deendayal Port Trust (DPT), Gandhidham, one of the major port trusts in India will sign 40 MoUs worth ₹77,000 crore at Maritime India Summit 2021 scheduled to be held from 2 to 4 March 2021, according to a press release.
The MoUs will include majorly between DPT and IOCL, EMAMI, and AEGIS Logistics Ltd; Timber Association to develop furniture park and Coast Guard Jetty, besides one on the greenery of the port area and construction, DPT said.
The MoUs are focused on attracting investment, skilling, and generating employment in the sector. The signing of the MoUs will help in streamlining the process of ship manoeuvring resulting in more business to the ports and economic stability to the sector and its stakeholders.
The MIS 2021 will provide a unique platform that will have a physical and virtual presence of prominent shipping and transport ministers and dignitaries from across the world. Maritime states of India will participate in the summit through dedicated sessions. The summit will also include an exclusive CEOs’ forum and various thematic and breakout sessions, it said.