As many as 18 Indian Forest Service (IFoS) officers have been given new portfolio in MP. J Devaprasad has been designated as Chief Conservator of Forest (CCF), and Field Director, Pench Tiger Reserve, while Rameshchandra Vishwakarma takes over as Conservator of Forest, Office of PCCF & HoFF and Adarsh Shrivastava is now Conservator of Forest, Shivpuri Circle. Similarly, Harishankar Mishra was posted as Conservator of Forest, O/o PCCF & HoFF, MP; PN Mishra as Conservator of Forest, Indore Circle; Naresh Yadav as Conservator of Forest, Chhatarpur Circle; Pradip Mishra as DFO, Indore (Gen) Forest Division; Mrs Neha Srivastava as DFO, Northern (Gen) Balaghat Forest Division; Mrs Seema Dwivedi as DFO, Social Forestry Circle, Jabalpur; Amit Kumar Chauhan as DFO, Dewas (Gen) Forest Division; Balasubramani N as DFO, Social Forestry Circle, Khandwa; Virendra Kumar Patel as DFO, Dewas (Production) Forest Division; Gaurav Jain as DFO, Social Forestry Circle, Sagar; Ms Nidhi Chauhan as DFO, Environment Forestry, Forest Division, Bhopal; Shreyas Srivastava as DFO, Seoni (Production) Forest Division; David Vyankatrao Chanap as Deputy Conservator of Forest, MP State Forest Development Corporation, Bhopal; Ms Namrata Bijoria as DEO, Khandwa (Production), Forest Division and Arihant Kochar is shifted as DFO, South Balaghat (Production), Forest Division.